3.2. Training and professional development

The EUAA supports the practical implementation of CEAS by training asylum and reception officials to have the necessary knowledge, skills and autonomy to implement efficient and fair procedures, in line with EU standards. The European Asylum Curriculum, used by the Agency in its training, includes a wide range of modules which cover the entire spectrum of international protection.
To further address existing and emerging training needs, in 2022, seven training modules were developed or restructured, including:
i) communication for asylum and reception practitioners;
ii) introduction to vulnerability; iii) introduction to ethical and professional standards;
iv) working with an interpreter;
v) introduction to coaching;
vi) applicants with diverse SOGIESC; and
vii) orientation course for learners.
In addition, a training package was developed on the Temporary Protection Directive, and training sessions were provided to thousands of officials to help national authorities, as well as neighbouring countries, to rapidly build up capacity and manage the humanitarian consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Based on the premise that professional development is a continuous endeavour and in line with a life-long learning pedagogical approach, the Agency’s training centre developed training material for trainers. As part of the continuing professional development series, in 2022 six modules were developed focusing on: i) Afghanistan inclusion; ii) Afghanistan exclusion; iii) Temporary Protection Directive in the context of the war in Ukraine; iv) rumours management; v) information and communication needs assessment; and vi) communication in emergencies.
In total, more than 3,000 participations of asylum and reception officials in training sessions were recorded in 2022, while approximately 600 participations were recorded for the train-the-trainer sessions on European Asylum Curriculum modules. In the context of operational assistance provided to Member States (see Section 3.3), the Agency delivered a number of training sessions to Asylum Support Teams and national asylum and reception officials, with more than 4,600 participants. Similarly, in the context of its cooperation with third countries, the EUAA organised a number of training sessions for third-country authorities at national and regional levels to assist in capacity-building.