4.14.1. Granting international protection: Recognition rates

4.14.1. Granting international protection: Recognition rates

icon for recongnition rates in international protection

The recognition rate refers to the number of positive outcomes as a percentage of the total number of decisions on applications for international protection. For reporting in the Asylum Report, positive decisions calculated in the recognition rate include EU-harmonised statuses only (i.e. refugee and subsidiary protection). At times, the recognition rate which includes national forms of protection may be presented for countries where there is a considerable difference with the recognition rate of EU-harmonised statuses.iviii

The recognition rate for specific nationalities of applicants can indicate which citizenships are granted protection more or less frequently.

icon for recognition rates at first instance Recognition rates at first instance



icon for recognition rates on specific nationalities Recognition rates at second or higher instances



  • iviiiPersons granted an authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons are defined by Eurostat: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Asylum_decision