Working together with other stakeholders

Several Member States reached out to additional and new stakeholders to ensure accommodation for persons in need of temporary protection.620 For example, a new reception model was introduced in Finland for beneficiaries of temporary protection, where people who have fled Ukraine could receive accommodation from a municipality without a reception centre being established there. The Finnish Immigration Service compensates municipalities for the costs.621 These new ways of cooperation may provide an example of collaborative models for the reception of beneficiaries of international protection
To address the critical shortages in reception places, Fedasil continued its quest to strengthen cooperation with private operators and launched a new public procurement in October 2022 (see Section Belgian municipalities made their structures available for persons in need of temporary protection, but this limited the number of available structures to increase reception capacity for beneficiaries of international protection. In Jabbeke, the mayor prohibited the use of a site due to health concerns, but this decision was overturned by the Council of State, noting that the State Secretary for Asylum and Migration and Fedasil had addressed these concern in an appropriate manner. The Tribunal of First Instance in Brussels decided in favour of local authorities that took legal action to close the reception centre in Molenbeek due to urban planning. Fedasil appealed the decision.623
The Austrian federal parliament approved an amendment to the agreement between the federal state and the provinces, and as a result, financing for people in reception was increased as of March 2022.624 The pressure on the reception system led to more tensions between the federal and provincial levels, debating issues of responsibility to provide reception for applicants for international protection, ensuring an adequate number of places and financing the costs of the additional places.
In the Netherlands, security regions stepped in to open and manage crisis reception facilities.625 This alleviated some of the immediate reception needs but did not lead to a structural solution for the shortage in reception capacity. Municipalities were often reluctant to open new facilities due to funding and modalities, requirements on the number of applicants to be hosted and a lack of clarity over long-term contracts. In addition, cooperation with municipalities was sometimes challenging due to the disruptive behaviour of a few applicants in some localities and the negative image this created in national press (see Section
The Portuguese High Commission for Migration signed a new set of protocols for cooperation in the reception and integration of beneficiaries of international protection with various organisations, including the Child Support Association, ADOLESCERE Association, São José Workshops, Braga Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross and the São José Youth Centre. The protocols focused especially on support to Afghans with special needs or vulnerabilities.626
Italian NGOs developed a publicly-available database which maps reception facilities in the country, showing their capacity, occupancy, typology and average costs.627
- 620European Union Agency for Asylum. (2023). Providing Temporary Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: A Year in Review. https://euaa.europa.eu/publications/providing-temporary-protection-displaced-persons-ukraine-year-review
- 621Finnish Immigration Service | Maahanmuuttovirasto. (2022, May 11). Municipalities receive compensation for costs associated with the reception of people who have fled Ukraine. https://migri.fi/-/kunnille-korvataan-ukrainasta-paenneiden-vastaanoton-kuluja?languageId=en_US
- 622Federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers | L’Agence fédérale pour l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile | Federaal agentschap voor de opvang van asielzoekers. (2022, October 20). Accueil par le secteur privé [Reception by the private sector]. https://www.fedasil.be/fr/actualites/accueil-des-demandeurs-dasile/accueil-par-le-secteur-prive
- 623Tribunal of First Instance, Brussels, 22/7/C, 29 July 2022.
- 624Vereinbarung zwischen dem Bund und den Ländern gemäß Artikel 15a B-VG, mit der insbesondere eine Erhöhung ausgewählter Kostenhöchstsätze des Art. 9 der Grundversorgungsvereinbarung sowie eine Erstversorgungspauschale festgelegt wird [Agreement between the federal government and the states in accordance with Article 15a B-VG, with which in particular an increase in selected maximum cost rates of Art. 9 of the basic service agreement and an initial service flat rate is determined], June 23, 2022. https://www.parlament.gv.at/gegenstand/XXVII/I/1584#tab-Uebersicht?selectedStage=100
- 625Government | Rijksoverheid. (2022, November 4). Extra maatregelen voor hoger aantal verwachte asielaanvragen [Additional measures for expected higher numbers of asylum applications]. https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/asielbeleid/nieuws/2022/11/04/extra-maatregelen-voor-hoger-aantal-verwachte-asielaanvragen
- 626High Commission for Migration I Alto Comissariado para as Migrações. (2022). ACM assina Protocolos de Cooperação no âmbito do acolhimento e integração de pessoas refugiadas [ACM signs cooperation protocols for the reception and integration of refugees]. https://www.acm.gov.pt/-/acm-assina-protocolos-de-cooperacao-no-ambito-do-acolhimento-e-integracao-de-pessoas-refugiadas#
- 627ActionAid Italy, & Openpolis. (2022). Centri d'Italia - Mappe dell'accoglienza [Italian Centres - Reception maps]. https://centriditalia.it/home