case-lawThe CJEU ruled on the importance of a personal interview prior to an inadmissibility decision in the case of Addis v Federal Republic of Germany (C-517/17). The applicant’s request for asylum – dating back to 2013 – was rejected as inadmissible in Germany and he was not granted a personal interview on the ground that he had entered Germany from Italy, where he had already been granted refugee status. The CJEU referenced the recast Asylum Procedures Directive, Article 14(1), which establishes the obligation to provide a personal interview, also in decisions on admissibility. The CJEU noted that failure to hear the applicant would lead to the annulment of the decision unless the applicant is provided with a personal hearing in appeal proceedings, in compliance with the requirements of the recast Asylum Procedures Directive, Article 15. Meanwhile, Germany generally holds personal interviews prior to inadmissibility decisions.

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