training-detentionEfforts to train staff working in detention facilities were reported by several EU+ countries. For example, UNHCR in Bulgaria conducted training for the first time to 22 workers of Sliven Prison on access to the international protection procedure. xliv  Cyprus supplemented its 13-week training programme offered to police officers appointed at Menogeia Detention Centre with regular revisional programmes.734

In contrast, the CPT recommended that the Maltese authorities recruit and train qualified staff for the Detention Service to ensure proper interaction with and support for the persons under their care.

Training on the trafficking of human beings was provided to staff working in detention facilities in Hungary 744 and Luxembourg. 



[743] United Nations, Human Rights Committee. (2020, November 26). Fifth periodic report submitted by Cyprus under article 40 of the Covenant pursuant to the optional reporting procedure, due in 2020.
1046/2020. (II. 18.) Korm. határozat az emberkereskedelem elleni küzdelemről szóló 2020–2023 közötti nemzeti stratégiáról, valamint annak végrehajtását szolgáló, 2020–2021 közötti időszakban végrehajtandó intézkedési tervről [Governmenr Decision No 1046/2020 (II. 18) on the National Anti-Trafficking Strategy for 2020-2023 and the Action Plan to be implemented in the period 2020-2021].

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