social-orientationWhile in previous years more emphasis was on initiatives related to socio-cultural orientation and integration, few developments were reported for 2020. National authorities rather focused their efforts on basic services and ensuring some form of continuation for language, employment and educational support.

The 18 Regional Integration Centres in Czechia continued their work in 2020 and their funding was secured for the year 2021.1190 The Portuguese network of Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIMs) continued to expand with two new centres opened in 2020.1191 
UNHCR published a report on the engagement of beneficiaries of international protection in voluntary work and civic participation in France.1192 




[1190] Refugee Facilities Administration of the Ministry of the Interior | Správa uprchlických zařízení Ministerstva vnitra. (2020, September 11). Úspěšná integrace legálně pobývajících cizinců. Ministerstvo vnitra pokračuje v podpoře regionálních integračních center [Successful integration of legally residing foreigners. Ministry of Interior continues to support regional integration centres].
[1191] European Web Site on Integration. (2020, October 14). Portugal: network of migrant integration centres continues to grow.
[1192] United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2020). Il Faut Qu’On Y Arrive Ensemble: La participation des réfugiés aux décisions qui influencent leur vie. Focus sur l’engagement bénévole des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile en France [We have to get there together: The participation of refugees in decisions affecting their lives. Focus on voluntary engagement of refugees and asylum seekers in France.].

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