4.9.3 Providing information about the return of rejected applicants

information-returnWhile navigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, EU+ countries continued to provide information to rejected applicants who will be returned to their country of origin. The newly-established Return Agency in Denmark provides advice and support to persons who will be returned or transferred within the Dublin procedure.

In Cyprus, the forms of notification for rejected applicants for international protection were amended to include information on their rights for an effective remedy, timelines and programmes available for voluntary and assisted return operations.  

With the support of AMIF funds and the cooperation of the Strömsund municipality and the County Administrative Board of Jämtland, the Swedish Migration Agency developed a project dedicated to the best interests of the child upon return to the country of origin.793  The project entails providing information material on asylum and the return procedure which are adapted for children and mainly focus on their situation when being returned. The project, which was completed in December 2020, aims to support municipalities and organisations throughout Sweden in developing and maintaining harmonised approaches and best practices for cooperation (see Section 5). 

New leaflets on return were issued in Lithuania in cooperation with the IOM, and the Netherlands794 incorporated information on return on the Repatriation and Departure Service website. 

Civil society organisations in Spain noted a lack of information on legal assistance to applicants who were notified of a return decision.795 



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[793] Swedish Migration Agency | Migrationsverket, County Administrative Board of Jämtland | Länsstyrelsen Jämtland, & Strömsunds Municipality | Strömsunds kommun. (2020). The Best Interest of the Child - a more sustainable return process for unaccompanied minors. https://begripligt.nu/The%20Best%20Interest%20of%20the%20Child.pdf;  Strömsunds Municipality | Strömsunds kommun. (2021, May 12). Projekt Barnets bästa vid återvändande | Project The best interests of the child upon return. https://www.begripligt.nu/barnets-basta-vid-atervandande/
[794] Repatriation and Departure Service | Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek. (2020, December 30). Informatie over terugkeerprojecten [Information on return projects]. https://www.dienstterugkeerenvertrek.nl/actueel/nieuws/2020/12/16/informatie-over-terugkeerprojecten;  Repatriation and Departure Service | Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek. (2021, May 12). Ondersteuning bij herintegratie [Support for reintegration]. https://www.dienstterugkeerenvertrek.nl/ondersteuning-bij-terugkeer/herintegratieondersteuning
[795] Foundation Cepaim | Fundación Cepaim. (2021). Input to the EASO Asylum Report 2021. https://easo.europa.eu/sites/default/files/Cepaim.pdf

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