Examples on funding integration

integration-fundingSignificant developments happened in Ireland and Switzerland related to the funding of integration projects. The Minister for Justice in Ireland announced the launching of the National Integration Fund 2020, which provides around EUR 750,000 yearly for a period of 3 years for projects fostering migrant integration.1083 In addition, the Minister of State with special responsibility for Equality, Immigration and Integration announced EUR 500,000 for community integration projects under the Communities Integration Fund.1084 

The Swiss State Secretariat for Migration and cantonal authorities signed amendments to the convention on cantonal integration programmes for the implementation of the Swiss Integration Agenda, which includes more funding for cantons to carry out their plans.1085 Asylex reported about a discussion on the management of cantonal reception centres for recognised beneficiaries and the proposed integration programmes. Media sources presented some of the irregularities in centres with outsourced, private management and found that there was no financial incentive for these centres to facilitate the integration of beneficiaries.1086 






[1083] The Department of Justice | An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt. (2020, August 11). Minister McEntee launches National Integration Fund 2020 to promote integration of migrants into Irish society. http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/PR20000179
[1084] The Department of Justice | An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt. (2020, June 19). Minister Stanton launches 2020 Communities Integration Fund. http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Pages/PR20000114
[1085] State Secretariat for Migration | Staatssekretariat für Migration | Secrétariat d’État aux migrations | Segreteria di Stato della migrazione. (2020, January 6). Agenda Intégration Suisse : le SEM et les cantons signent des avenants [Integration Agenda Switzerland: SEM and cantons sign addenda]. https://www.sem.admin.ch/sem/fr/home/sem/medien/mm.msg-id-77706.html
[1086] AsyLex Legal Advisory. (2021). Input to the EASO Asylum Report 2021.; Watson. (2021, February 19). Gemeinden nehmen das Asylwesen selber in die Hand – und sparen Geld [Private companies: Municipalities take the asylum system into their own hands — saving money].



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