4.2.5 Guidance and research on the application of the Dublin III Regulation

dublin-guidanceIn 2020, more guidance on the application of the Dublin III Regulation and research assessing its implementation were published. For example, EASO published operational standards and indicators for the Dublin procedure in February 2020, which were developed in cooperation with national authorities with the objective to help Member States operationalise existing legal provisions and apply them in a harmonised way.364

The European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services drew up a European Implementation Assessment on the Dublin III Regulation, written by ECRE, which noted among the key findings that several evaluations between 2015 and 2019 demonstrated that “the very purpose of the Regulation (…), is in practice defeated by the length of the procedures, the lack of implementation of transfer decisions and the lack of compliance with human rights”.365 In addition, ECRE published an update of its report on the implementation of Dublin III Regulation, covering 2019 and the first half of 2020, based on information from the Asylum Information Database (AIDA).366


[364] European Asylum Support Office. (February 2020). EASO Guidance on the Dublin procedure: operational standards and indicators: EASO Practical Guides Series. /sites/default/files/EASO-Guidance-Dublin-procedure-EN.pdf
[365] European Parliamentary Research Service. (February 2020). Dublin Regulation on international protection applications: European Implementation Assessment. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2020/642813/EPRS_STU(2020)642813_EN.pdf
[366] European Council for Refugees and Exiles. (April 2020). The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2019 and during COVID-19. https://www.asylumineurope.org/sites/default/files/shadow-reports/aida_dublin_update_2019-2020.pdf


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