Fostering cooperation among different stakeholders

foster-cooperationThe development and implementation of integration strategies require the cooperation of various stakeholders from different backgrounds and governance levels. Diverse initiatives were implemented in 2020 to strengthen the cooperation among these actors.

The Council of Ministers in Belgium agreed on the creation of an Interministerial Conference on Migration and Integration. The objective of this body is to harmonise policies by the federal authorities and authorities of the federal entities.1087 

UNHCR Bulgaria established the first Refugee Advisory Board in the country, which plans to offer advice on national decision-making processes related to the integration of beneficiaries of international protection.1088 In addition, UNHCR Bulgaria published a mapping of Bulgarian academic initiatives in the area of asylum and presented recommendations for collaborative opportunities.1089 

The Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities in Croatia launched the project "INCLuDE – Inter-sectoral cooperation in the empowerment of third-country nationals”, with co-funding from AMIF. The project aims to empower integration stakeholders to participate in the design, implementation and monitoring of integration measures and encourage cooperation at the national, regional and local levels.1090 The first meeting of local stakeholders was held in October 2020, which discussed the draft Action Plan for the Integration of Persons Granted International Protection (see sub-Section 

The municipalities of Athens and Thessaloniki in Greece initiated the Cities Network for Integration in 2018, which now gathers 13 Greek municipalities to cooperate and exchange knowledge on refugee integration at the local level.1092 

As part of the Cities and Inclusive Strategies project, funded by ESF, the Czech Association for Integration and Migration published a “Manual on Local Integration”, aiming to enhance the knowledge of officials in local and regional authorities on a more strategic approach to integration.1093 In Estonia, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs published guidelines for local governments on integration services.

The Danish Immigration Service revised and set the placement quotas for 2021, overall around 600 refugees were placed across different municipalities.1094 

The National Integration Evaluation Mechanism analysed the role of local governments in the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).1095 



[1087] Council of Ministers | Conseil des Ministres. (2020, December 19). Création d'une Conférence interministérielle sur la Migration et l'Intégration [Establishment of an Interministerial Conference on Migration and Integration]. https://news.belgium.be/fr/creation-dune-conference-interministerielle-sur-la-migration-et-lintegration; European Web Site on Integration. (2020, December 19). Belgium: Creation of an inter-ministry conference on migration and integration. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/news/belgium-creation-of-an-inter-ministry-conference-on-migration-and-integration
[1088] European Web Site on Integration. (06 Ottober 2020). UNHCR Bulgaria establishes first Refugee Advisory Board. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/news/unhcr-bulgaria-establishes-first-refugee-advisory-board
[1089] European Web Site on Integration. (2020, February 13). Mapping of Collaboration Opportunities with Academic Institutions in the Area of Asylum and Refugees. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/librarydoc/mapping-of-collaboration-opportunities-with-academic-institutions-in-the-area-of-asylum-and-refugees
[1090] European Web Site on Integration. (2020, February 26). Zagreb – Launch of the INCLuDE project. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/event/zagreb-launch-of-the-include-project
[1091] AIDA Croatia. (2021). Country Report: Croatia - 2020 Update. Edited by ECRE. Written by Croatian Law Centre. https://asylumineurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/AIDA-HR_2020update.pdf
[1092] European Web Site on Integration. (2020, February 20). 13 Greek municipalities form refugee integration network. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/news/13-greek-municipalities-form-refugee-integration-network
[1093] European Web Site on Integration. (2020, October 1). Manual on Local Integration of Migrants in the Czech Republic. https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/librarydoc/manual-on-local-integration-of-migrants-in-the-czech-republic
[1094] Ministry of Immigration and Integration | Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet. (October 2020). Udlændingestyrelsen fastsætter kommunekvoter for 2021 [The Danish Immigration Service fixes municipal quotas for 2021]. https://uim.dk/nyheder/2020/2020-10/udlaendingestyrelsen-fastsaetter-kommunekvoter-for-2021; Ministry of Immigration and Integration Affairs | Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet. (2020, September 15). Kommunekvoter for 2021 [Municipal quotas for 2021]. https://www.nyidanmark.dk/-/media/Files/US/News/2020/kommunekvoter_for_2021.pdf?la=da&hash=B59DD6C065241AA9FCACC766CDF2488F8D997C78
[1095] National Integration Evaluation Mechanism. (February 2021). The Role of Local Governments in the Integration of Refugees in the V4 Countries. http://www.forintegration.eu/pl/pub/the-role-of-local-governments-in-the-integration-of-refugees-in-the-v4-countries/dnl/64

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