citizenship-resettled-refugeesAs has been the case over the last 6 years, nationals of Syria were resettled the most often albeit at lower levels (6,105 in 2020, representing a 58% decrease compared to 2019), accounting for over one-half of all resettled persons. All other citizenships were also resettled at much lower levels, namely nationals of several African countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1,265), Eritrea (960), Sudan (690), Somalia (290), South Sudan (285) and Ethiopia (205). It is worth recalling that in 2019 most African nationals were resettled much more often than in 2018. In 2020, some citizens of African countries were resettled at similar or higher levels of those in 2018, including Sudanese, Somalians and South Sudanese. 

Each year since 2018, Syrians have been representing a smaller share of the total number of resettled persons in
EU+ countries. However, in 2020 their share remained stable at 58%. While in 2019 the lower prominence of Syrians was due to a wider range of citizenships being resettled, in 2020 there were fewer citizenships but some of those who were resettled accounted for larger shares, such as Eritreans and Congolese. For example, Syrians accounted for 29% of all resettled persons in Sweden in 2020, followed by Eritreans (19%), Congolese (18%) and Sudanese (10%). In some EU+ countries with lower levels of resettlement, only Syrian nationals were resettled, for example in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland and Romania (see Figure 4.25).

increase-chart   Syrians continued to be the most resettled nationality across receiving EU+ countries  

Figure 4.25: Number of resettled refugees in EU+ countries, by Top 5 nationalities of resettled persons, 2020

Note: The graph presents the Top 4 receiving countries along with a total for the remainder of receiving countries.
Source: Eurostat [migr_asyresa] as of 28 April 2021.

As in 2019, the sex ratio of resettled persons was more or less equal, with 48% of resettled persons being females. With regard to age groups, two in five resettled persons were younger than 14 years old.lxx With regard to the most common citizenships of origin, females accounted for over one-third of all Eritreans (36%) and three-fifths of all Somalis who were resettled in EU+ countries. Minors, particularly those younger than 14 years, represented around two-fifths of the persons among nationals of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Syria, and over-half of the nationals of South Sudan.




[lxx] For just 0.03 % of resettled persons, the age group could not be reported.

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