digitalise-processesDigitalisation continued in 2020 with initiatives to improve the online communication of documents,
IT case management systems and videoconference hearings.

In Belgium, the Council of Ministers approved a law proposal and a draft royal decree which aimed to adapt the working methods of CALL to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The amendments concern the electronic communication of procedural documents and the use of the written procedure.514

In Finland, the courts introduced a new case management system, HAIPA, which allows the authorities to submit all files and documents electronically to administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court.515

In France, the CNDA signed an agreement with lawyers’ organisations to use video-hearings when examining an appeal of an asylum applicant. The video-hearings are to be rolled out in early 2021 in Lyon and Nancy.516

The digitalisation of communication between administrative institutions and courts was improved in Sweden, where appeal cases can be transferred digitally to the migration courts by the Swedish Migration Agency.

In addition, the Federal Administrative Court in Switzerland integrated a digitalisation programme, DigiTAF, into an overall organisational development project called eTAF. The aim is to gradually digitalise the functioning of the court, to simplify access to justice and optimise efficiency and effectiveness by 2025.517





[514] Council of Ministers | Conseil des Ministres. (2020, December 18). Adaptation des procédures de recours devant le Conseil du contentieux des Etrangers [Adaptation of appeal procedures before the Council for Alien Law Litigation.
[515] Helsinki Administrative Court | Helsingin hallinto-oikeus. (2020, January 4). HAIPA-asianhallintajärjestelmässä asiat käsitellään täysin sähköisesti [In the HAIPA case management system, cases are handled completely electronically].
[516] National Court of Asylum | Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile. (2020, November 12). Les vidéo-audiences vont être déployées début 2021 [Video-hearings will be rolled out in early 2021].
[517] Federal Administrative Court | Bundesverwaltungsgericht | Tribunal administratif fédéral | Tribunale amministrativo federale. (2021). Annual reports.


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