Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο


Практическо ръководство относно политическото мнение

на настоящото практическо ръководство е да предостави на служителите, работещи по случаи, рамка за разглеждане на молби за международна закрила, подадени на основанието „политическо мнение“.


Guide pratique relatif aux opinions politiques

Le présent guide pratique vise à fournir aux agents chargés des dossiers un cadre pour l’examen des demandes de protection internationale fondées sur des opinions politiques.


Poradnik praktyczny dotyczacy przekonan politycznych

This practical guide aims to provide case officers with a framework for the examination of applications for international protection based on political opinion.


Guia prático sobre a opinião política

O objetivo do presente guia prático é fornecer aos funcionários responsáveis pela análise dos processos um quadro para a análise dos pedidos de proteção internacional com base na opinião política.


Ghid practic privind opinia politică

Scopul acestui ghid practic este de a oferi ofițerilor de decizie un cadru pentru examinarea cererilor de protecție internațională bazate pe opinii politice.


The Russian Federation – Military service

This report provides information regarding military service in the Russian Federation for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection


The Russian Federation – Political dissent and opposition

This report provides information regarding political dissent in the Russian Federation for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection


Guía práctica sobre opiniones políticas

This practical guide aims to provide case officers with a framework for the examination of applications for international protection based on political opinion.
