Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο


Guide pratique sur les entretiens avec les demandeurs d’asile dont la demande est fondée sur la religion

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Guida pratica all’intervista con richiedenti che presentino domande di asilo basate su motivazioni religiose

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Ghid practic privind intervievarea solicitanților cu cereri de azil bazate pe religie

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Pohovory so žiadateľmi o azyl na základe náboženského vyznania

This practical guide aims to help case officers conduct fairer and more efficient interviews in view of the complexity and challenges posed by religion-based asylum claims.


Data on resettlement activities in 2021

Fact Sheet No 15

This fact sheet presents data from Eurostat on resettled refugees, complementing the section on resettlement and humanitarian admissions in the Asylum Report 2022


EUAA Asylum and reception operational response catalogue

The Catalogue provides a list of operational support interventions offered by EUAA


Safeguards for asylum applicants with disabilities

Fact Sheet No 14

This fact sheet presents measures taken by national authorities to improve conditions for asylum applicants with disabilities.


Практически инструмент за настойници

Временна закрила за непридружени деца, бягащи от Украйна

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.
