3.4.1. Re-organisation of first instance authorities

To enhance the effectiveness of asylum systems, in 2023 EU+ countries undertook re-organisations by creating completely new determining authorities, by merging several offices in the same institution to unify their strategy on asylum or by structuring departments according to types of asylum procedures to allow faster processing of cases.

The CGRS in Belgium created the START section, where all newly-recruited case officers will receive 6 weeks of standard training curriculum, followed by on the job training, before full integration into existing sections or units.

In Cyprus, the Ministry of the Interior published a draft bill in May 2023, proposing the establishment of a Deputy Ministry of Migration and Asylum which would place under a single institution the drawing up and implementation of an integrated strategy for migration and asylum.392 

Denmark decided that the Office for Reception of Asylum Seekers will be included in the Centre for Asylum of the Danish Immigration Service as of 1 January 2024. In Finland, the Immigration Service was in the process of re-organisation until April 2024 to become more efficient and customer-friendly.393  

Poland re-organised its Department of Refugee Proceedings at the Office for Foreigners according to the type of procedure to which cases are assigned, which allows for faster processing of cases.

In Portugal, the new Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) started operating on 29 October 2023, taking over some of the competences of the SEF and the High Commission for Migration. The change led to the separation of police and administrative functions. AIMA is mandated – amongst other tasks – to receive and process applications for international protection and ensure reception conditions are in accordance with the law.394 

By Royal Decree No 1009/2023 of 5 December 2023, which established the structure of the ministerial departments, Spain created the new Directorate-General for International Protection, which will include the Asylum and Refugee Office.395  

  • 392Ministry of the Interior | Υπουργείο Εσωτερικών. (2023, May 16). Nομοσχέδιο με τίτλο Nόμος που ρυθμίζει την ‘Iδρυση του Yφυπουργείου Mετανάστευσης και Aσύλου και συναφη θεματα [Draft bill proposal on Deputy Ministry of Migration and Asylum].

  • 393Finnish Immigration Service | Maahanmuuttovirasto. (2023, November 9). Maahanmuuttovirasto uudistuu saavuttaakseen hallitusohjelmassa asetetut tavoitteet – käynnistää yt-neuvottelut | Maahanmuuttovirasto [Finnish Immigration Service carries out reforms to achieve Government Program goals – launches cooperation negotiations].

  • 394Government of Portugal | Governo de Portugal. (2023, October 29). Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo: O primeiro dia de um novo paradigma [Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum: The first day of a new paradigm].

  • 395Real Decreto 1009/2023, de 5 de diciembre, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de los departamentos ministeriales [Royal Decree 1009/2023 of 5 December establishing the basic organisational structure of ministerial departments]. (5 December 2023).