
Praktický nástroj pro opatrovníky

Dočasná ochrana dětí bez doprovodu prchajících z Ukrajiny

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


Практически инструмент за настойници

Временна закрила за непридружени деца, бягащи от Украйна

This tool focuses on temporary protection. It aims at assisting guardians appointed by Member States in supporting displaced children from Ukraine when registering for the temporary protection and exercising their rights.


COI Report: Nigeria - Actors of protection (November 2018)

This report provides information on elements and indicators that may help assessing the availability of actors of protection in Nigeria.

COI Report: Iraq - Actors of protection (November 2018)

This report provides an overview of the structure, functions, and effectiveness of the justice and security sectors of the government of Iraq, in its role as state actors of protection.