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7.1. Relevant circumstances

Last update: June 2022

In the context of Somalia, numerous circumstances and different profiles may require consideration of the potential applicability of exclusion grounds. The QD does not set a time limit for the application of the grounds for exclusion. Applicants may be excluded in relation to events which have occurred in the recent and more distant past (e.g. acts committed by the Islamic Courts Union, acts committed during the civil war in 1988-1991) [Country overview, 1.3.4., p. 24; 3.1.1., pp. 58-59].

COI indicates that excludable acts are committed by many actors both in relation to armed conflicts, as well as in the context of general criminality and human rights abuses.

In relation to potential exclusion considerations, see also the chapters 2. Actors of persecution or serious harm and 3. Refugee status.

The examples mentioned in this chapter are non-exhaustive and non-conclusive. Each case should be examined on its own merits.