Case law referenced in the common analysis
Actors of persecution or serious harm
Reasons for persecution - religion

Reasons for persecution – membership of a particular social group

Article 15(b) QD

Article 15(c) QD

(CF and DN)
•  (Sufi and Elmi)

Internal protection alternative


(B and D)
•  ICTY (Appeals Chamber), Prosecutor v Kunarac et al., IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1-A, judgment of 12 June 2002
•  ICTY, Prosecutor v Dusko Tadic aka “Dule” (Opinion and Judgment), IT-94-1-T, judgment of 7 May 1997
•  ICTR, The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu (Trial Judgment), ICTR-96-4-T, judgment of 2 September 1998

For additional information on relevant case law see:

EASO Practical Guides:

Available at:

■ EASO Practical Guide: Qualification for international protection
 EASO Practical Guide: Exclusion
 EASO Guidance on membership of a particular social group
 EASO Practical guide on the application of the internal protection alternative

Judicial analyses:

Available at:  

■ Judicial Analysis ‘Qualification for International Protection (Directive 2011/95/EU)
■ Judicial Analysis ‘Article 15(c) Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)
■ Judicial Analysis ‘Exclusion: Articles 12 and 17 Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)