3.3.1. Assessment of EUAA operational support in 2022

The Agency undertakes regular evaluations of its operations to enhance the overall relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and added-value of assistance. This reflective approach contributes to institutional learning, evidence-based change management, accountability and transparency. In 2022, the Agency conducted four internal evaluationsv covering operational support in Lithuania, Latvia and Romania.
Ongoing operational plans agreed with Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czechia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia, Spain and the Netherlands that extend beyond the end of 2022 were not due for evaluation.

Under the operational plan with Lithuania, which ran from July 2021 to June 2022, the Agency provided support in the areas of asylum and reception following a sharp increase in arrivals in 2021. The evaluation concluded that the Agency provided a rapid and flexible response and contributed to an EU-wide solidarity approach. In the area of asylum, the Agency delivered train-the-trainer sessions, COI support and interpretation. It also provided limited support to first instance asylum processing.
The Agency supported the reception system with information provision, vulnerability assessments, training and interpretation. Taking into account the geopolitical context, the operational support was considered relevant and of added-value, in particular in the field of reception. The evaluation made recommendations to optimise the planning of new operational plans and interpretation support.

The Agency supported Latvia with two operational plans following an increase in asylum seekers from Belarus in mid-2021. Under the first operational plan (running from September 2021 to March 2022), the Agency focused on the provision of interpretation during the asylum procedure and in reception. The support was considered relevant, coherent and effective in view of its limited scope and was considered ‘fair’ with regard to efficiency and added-value.
Support under the second operational plan, which covered the remaining of 2022, took place during stabilised migration pressure. The measures foresaw additional support for training and contingency planning. The support was considered effective, with 80 participations of more than 50 Latvian officials in training sessions on information provision, reception and vulnerable applicants. The smooth cooperation with the authorities underlined the relevance and the coherence of the action. Despite a number of efficiency gains, the mobilisation of support was also limited in terms of cost-efficiency because of the short timeline and the volume of the operation. In view of the reduced added-value of the Agency’s support, the evaluation supported the closure of the operational plan and recommended the continuation of support under the Agency’s permanent support framework.

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 2.5 million people crossed the border into Romania in 2022. The operational plan with Romania ran from March to December 2022. It was the Agency’s first operational plan to focus on support in the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive.vi
Following rapid mobilisation, the Agency facilitated over 62,000 registrations, information sessions for over 65,000 individuals and 42 training activities by the end of 2022. The Agency provided comprehensive and flexible training and information provision involving national authorities, international organisations and NGOs. In view of the geopolitical context, the support was deemed relevant and of high added-value. Recommendations involved the need for better working conditions and the optimisation of mechanisms for the deployment of experts.
Selected highlights of the EUAA’s operational support in 2022
- The EUAA facilitated information provision and registration for temporary protection for more than 62,000 persons fleeing Ukraine and provided training to 560 individuals under the operational plan for Romania.
- The EUAA concluded its operational support to Latvia with a set of translated training sessions and modules in the field of reception and information provision that will continue to be used in future training.
- The EUAA supported with over 6,000 information desk activities and close to 1,000 vulnerability pre-screening activities in various reception centres under the operational plan with Lithuania.
- vThe evaluations covered the 2021-2022 and 2022 operational plans for Latvia, the 2021-2022 operational plan for Lithuania, and the 2022 operational plan for Romania.
- viCouncil Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022 establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine within the meaning of Article 5 of Directive 2001/55/EC, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection (OJ L 71, 4.3.2022, p. 1).