4.13.2. Statelessness in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

UNHCR has estimated that there were approximately 82,500 stateless persons living in Ukraine in 2018, of which around 6,000 had legal residence. This indicates that a high number of stateless people from Ukraine lack the necessary documents to access temporary protection in the EU. Under the Temporary Protection Directive, EU Member States are not required to extend temporary protection to all categories of stateless persons. In fact, stateless persons are only eligible for temporary protection if:
- They were granted refugee status in Ukraine;
- Their family members are Ukrainian nationals or recognised beneficiaries of international protection in Ukraine; or
- They held a permanent resident permit in Ukraine and are unable to return to their country of former habitual residence.
Some countries have extended temporary protection to stateless persons, but in others, they must apply for international protection.
Moreover, pre-existing administrative policies which require a form of identification to cross the Ukrainian side of the border have created additional obstacles for stateless persons who wish to flee Ukraine and seek protection EU+ countries.

For more information on this topic, please refer to the EUAA’s comprehensive report, Providing Temporary Protection to Displaced Persons from Ukraine: A Year in Review.