4.2.4. Decisions on outgoing Dublin requests

Decisions on outgoing Dublin requests include decisions in response to take back requests (under Articles 18(1b-d) and 20(5) of the Dublin III Regulation) and take charge requests (under Articles 8-16 and 17(2)), but they exclude decisions taken under the sovereignty clause (Article 17(1)). Thus, the data on outgoing Dublin requests cover all persons included in a decision received by the reporting country in response to a request to have a partner country take responsibility for the asylum application. This does not mean that the transfer was necessarily carried out, but it does mean that the partner Member State replied to the request, whether it was accepted or rejected, within the time limit or there was an implicit acceptance due to the expiration of the time limit.
In 2022, 163,000 decisions were issued in response to outgoing Dublin requests,xx according to provisional data which are regularly exchanged between the EUAA and 29 EU+ countries.xxi This represented an increase by more than two-fifths compared to 2021, resulting in the highest annual total since at least 2016. Since the second half of the year, the number of decisions steadily rose to an unprecedented level in December 2022. The increase in decisions coincided with a rise in asylum applications in EU+ countries during the same period.
Overall, the annual ratio of decisions received on Dublin requests to asylum applications lodged was 16%, on par with 2021. Although some decisions on Dublin requests concerned family reunion cases, the stable ratio of decisions to applications suggests that in 2022 an increased number of asylum seekers moved from the first country of arrival to another to lodge a new application (referred to as secondary movements), impacting asylum caseloads overall.
At the country level, Germany and France continued to receive the most decisions in response to their requests (see the left side of Figure 7), jointly accounting for over three-fifths of the EU+ total. Germany received almost two-thirds more responses than in 2021, whereas responses received by France rose by around one-seventh. Most other countries received more responses to Dublin requests in 2022, with the most notable relative increases in Spain, Norway, Cyprus, Austria, Portugal and Czechia (in descending order).xxii In contrast, some countries received fewer responses in absolute terms, notably Greece, Ireland, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania and Malta (in descending order).
As in previous years, Italy issued the most decisions overall on Dublin requests. However, for the first time on record, Austria and Bulgaria emerged as second and third countries issuing the most decisions, overtaking Germany and Greece (see the right side of Figure 7). While Italy issued one-third more decisions than in 2021, decisions issued by Austria and Bulgaria almost tripled compared to the previous year, in fact, rising to the most in at least 6 years.
At lower levels, important relative increases also took place in Lithuania, Cyprus, Portugal, Croatia and Poland (in descending order).xxiii Lithuania issued five times as many decisions as in 2021, decisions by Cyprus more than tripled, and decisions by Croatia, Poland and Portugal more than doubled from 2021. In contrast, fewer decisions were issued by Romania, Greece and Germany (ordered from largest to smallest absolute decrease).
Germany and France received the most decisions on Dublin requests, while Italy responded to the most requests
Figure 7. Decisions on outgoing Dublin requests by selected countries receiving a decision (left) and responding to a request (right), 2022

Source: EUAA EPS data.