Section 4. Functioning of the Common European Asylum System

This section provides an overview of developments in legislation, policy, practice and case law in EU+ countries throughout 2022. Concerns about aspects of national asylum and reception systems are included from authorities, civil society organisations, UNHCR and other international organisations.
The sub-sections are organised by theme, following the steps of the asylum procedure:
4.1 Access to the asylum procedure presents developments surrounding access to territory and the first steps of the asylum procedure, including making, registering and lodging an application.
4.2 The Dublin procedure takes an in-depth look into the system which sets out the criteria and mechanisms to determine the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection.
4.3 Special procedures to assess protection needs presents new practices around border procedures, the safe country of origin concept, accelerated procedures, admissibility procedures and subsequent applications.
4.4 Processing asylum applications at first instance addresses new approaches, measures, working methods and policies, such as prioritisation policies. It presents legislative amendments, technological developments and improvements to the quality of the procedure.
4.5 Processing asylum applications at second or higher instances presents initiatives to make the procedures at second instance more efficient and details changes on the right to an effective remedy and the processing of cases lodged by specific nationalities.
4.6 Pending cases discusses the number of applications still under examination, which is a key indicator reflecting the workload experienced by national authorities and the pressure on national asylum systems, including reception systems.
4.7 Reception of applicants for international protection shows how Member States reacted to trends in international protection in terms of reception capacities and policies.
4.8 Detention provides an overview of changes in detention capacity, conditions, duration and alternatives to detention.
4.9 Access to information details new initiatives in information provision throughout the different stages of the asylum process, including information on the procedure and information on everyday life and rights.
4.10 Legal assistance and representation outlines changes in the provision of free legal counselling and advice to applicants.
4.11 Interpretation services presents amendments and concerns around the provision of interpretation, including institutional changes and policy updates. Interpretation in the health system is highlighted.
4.12 Country of origin information briefly describes developments in country of origin (COI) research and production.
4.13 Statelessness in the context of asylum explores the relationship between statelessness and asylum, highlighting associated challenges.
4.14 Content of protection presents initiatives taken for the integration of recognised beneficiaries of international protection based on the recast QD.
4.15 Resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes presents resettlement efforts taken by EU+ countries and developments in the framework of humanitarian admission programmes.