Overview of EUAA support in 2022
The EUAA’s extended mandate, as foreseen in Regulation (EU) 2021/2303 on the Establishment of a European Union Agency for Asylum, entered into force on 19 January 2022.225,226 In line with its enhanced role, throughout the year the EUAA:
- offered greater operational and technical support to foster efficiency in asylum systems;
- worked toward improving and accelerating the provision of assistance at the request of Member States;
- further developed operational standards, indicators and practical guidelines to inform uniform, high-quality decision-making in asylum cases;
- supported the practical implementation of CEAS by training asylum and reception professionals;
- contributed to increased situational awareness among EU policymakers to inform decisions and preparedness;
- contributed to capacity-building in non-EU countries; and
- supported EU+ countries with resettlement schemes.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine generated large-scale protection needs, and the Agency responded quickly to offer assistance to countries receiving large numbers of displaced persons from Ukraine. The Agency proved its role as a centre of expertise in asylum by expanding its operational and technical support to address evolving needs. As an integral actor in the collective EU response in addressing the needs of millions of displaced persons, the EUAA effectively contributed to the implementation of protection solutions across Europe.
To assist Member States in applying CEAS, ensure fair and efficient asylum procedures, provide high-quality reception standards and harmonise their practices, the EUAA provides support structured around three pillars:
- Technical support includes information collection and analysis; the development of guidance and practical tools; the exchange of expertise and good practices; and advice on legal obligations. As of 2023, the EUAA will also be mandated to monitor the application of EU asylum and reception obligations by Member States;
- Training and professional development of national asylum and reception officials to ensure a common, high-quality application of CEAS standards; and
- Operational support to Member States, especially those experiencing disproportionate pressure on their asylum and reception systems.

For more detailed information on the EUAA’s activities, work programme and budget, please refer to the EUAA Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) 2022. For EUAA’s governance documents, please refer to the EUAA website.
- 225Council of the European Union. (2021, June 29). EU asylum agency: Council presidency and European Parliament reach provisional agreement. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2021/06/29/eu-asylum-agency-council-presidency-and-european-parliament-reach-provisional-agreement/
- 226European Union Agency for Asylum. (2022, January 19). New EU Agency for Asylum starts work with reinforced mandate. https://www.euaa.europa.eu/news-events/new-eu-agency-asylum-starts-work-reinforced-mandate